Friday, June 3, 2011

Happiness: Defined.

Lately, I have been the happiest I can remember being. Like, ever. I know, that's a pretty... Cliche and general statement, but it is quite true. I suppose that I can only thank God for giving me the energy and the will and the grace to see most everything in a positive light. I am not rich (in fact, I am pretty broke! LOL!), I do not have the brightest and best of possessions, but I don't need them. I have a friend who lives fifty trillion miles away (AKA too far to walk) and continues to remain my best friend, I have cousins who love me to the moon and back, I have a project going that will help so many people receive their education and teach them  so many things and I am ecstatic about it... There seems to be no end to the abundant blessings that God is giving to me. I am not claiming to not have my down times, because I do. Yesterday, I ran my mouth off and felt quite a bit of frustration over it. But I have come to terms with the fact that sometimes, Christ felt anger and frustration too. If we have the three-in-one trinity going on, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.... And if God is good... And God (the Son) felt anger... Then anger and frustration can be good. If they are used in the right way. So, what is my goal? Hopefully, to use all of the angry and frustrated energy that might come my way and use it productively. ? Use it to help someone, to love someone... Just like I would my happy energy or my compassionate energy. I love to live and I live to love, and as long as that's what we're all doing here... Then maybe we' just all is gonna be arright! Well, I'm going to sign off for now. I am working on a huge project for the school, and will post it for you all as soon as I get the okay to do so. Hope all is well! God bless you <3

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