Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Grocery List...

So... Here is the thing about Aquinas College. There food. Is. Not. Good. Well, it's not horrible. I mean, it doesn't taste awful or anything like that. 
Recently, I found out that I have Celiac. Basically, gluten products tear up my small intestines, and put me in a lot of pain. It's really difficult to find out when your main staples outside of the college cafeteria (when you can afford them!) are pasta and pb&j's. Lately, I have not been able to afford any outside food. Wege, our cafeteria on campus, is EXTREMELY limited on their gluten-free foods. Usually, there is a gluten-free "option". However, it doesn't seem like much of an option if there is only one of them! Usually, they contain cheese, which I can't have. Or spices that are not very palatable. The first thing I was told when explaining my situation to the on-campus food crew? "Prepare to lose a lot of weight." LOVELY. Not to rant people, but I am 105 pounds! And I don't eat that much to begin with! But it's been a week and a half since my diagnosis, and I am STARVING. I am an independent student, so I don't have the ability to write home to mommy and daddy and say "Hey, can you send some xantham gum?" or "Maybe you could send some grocery money my way?" No. It doesn't work that way. But I am really hungry... Like, all the time! Does anyone have any ideas for this? How can I get the cafeteria to serve more food that I can eat? How can I take care of myself?!? Thanks a bunch, blog ya later!
~Little Miss Pink Popcorn

  • xantham gum
  • sweet rice flour
  • cinammon
  • soy milk
  • crystal light packets
  • rice crispies
  • chex. they are lovely!
  • vegetables
  • fruits-- i have been making so many smoothies lately!
  • recipes. lots. of recipes.